
Sunday, January 13, 2013

How To Prepare for Next Week (?)

I would love to make this a post about the best way to prepare for the upcoming week!  However, I do not know (I just heard that line in the voice of Danny Zuko from Grease- how old am I??)

I have seen and read too many things about how to do it- I've printed the printables- logic tells me- and SLACKER hangs on like super glue and tells me it's all too much- I can't do it!  I get overwhelmed, and I turn to solid rock... wide eyed, heart palpitating, and unable to move to step 1. Grrr.

This process is going to be eternal, I think.  The process of preparing and doing- following a plan- getting a routine... The horrible thing:  It all sounds like it should be so natural and normal!  It's something that moms/housewives have been doing for centuries in one way or another, so why do I feel terminally unique? It's like my situation doesn't fit neatly in ANY of the articles and blogs that have come before me. pssshhhh. Yah, gimme a break.  This is what my beloved FlyLady calls "Stinking Thinking".  Who knew there was a name for that awful thought process!? FlyLady, that's who!

So. Today, my entry is going to be in pieces.  Here, I am writing and motivating myself (I'm done beating myself up now- time to get to work!)

When I have successful days, I often have a list typed or written.  That way, when I'm done, I can check them off (We S.H.E.s love our lists!)

Here is my list for the rest of the afternoon/evening hours:

  • Feed/Water the Animals
  • Reboot Laundry (x3)
  • Shower  *ahhhh :) 
  • Take 2 Boxes for AmVets to DGF's House  (loaded in car to drop off on the way to gym tomorrow)
  • What's for Supper? (Do NOT ask... it's done and they're fed, lol)
  • Start Grocery List
  • Clean Toilets
  • Start Dishwasher
You will notice as I finished them, I just crossed them out, neat-as-you-please...

It feels pretty good to have a few things knocked out!  It's not much, I know- but on those days when I don't feel like doing jack- it's SOMETHING.

It's a good tool, and I think when I get out the timer and use it in conjunction with the tasks, I can fly through even more!

I have a workout at 8:30am- I'm hoping the roads are ok.. there is potential for icy roads and school delays... I hope it doesn't get bad.  I NEED my gym fix with one of my very favorite SHEsters!!

So, cheers to some success today :)  And, I have no preparation for next week, except that the laundry is done and the grocery list is started!

Here is a list of abbreviations you might not be familiar with:
S.H.E.- Sidetracked Home Executive
SHE(this was not used today) also stands for Strong, Healthy, Empowered (the 14 week fitness contest I was involved in)
DGF - Dear GirlFriend (DH is Dear Husband, DS6 is my Dear Son who is 6, DD9 is my Dear Daughter who is 9... etc.)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Viewers like You!

I just snooped around at the few people who have actually viewed my blog.  I find it interesting that in the last few days, SIX people from China have viewed my blog. I can't help but giggle and wonder what they think this Crazy American Lady with Slacker Status is doing with her very own blog!?

All I can say is... This is the Land of Opportunity, folks :)  Even slackers like me get a chance to post/rant/vent/express/learn/teach through the ever-awesome inter-net.

I am thankful that I have the chance to try blogging- even if I'm not seeing the immediate results slackers everywhere must have to feel any motivation to continue!  It's kind of the same concept as watching what you eat and exercising once.. then going to the mirror, expecting to see the results of your "hard work".  HA.  Since I can laugh at this idea, do I get to move my notch just the tiniest bit away from "Slacker" toward "Superwoman"??  Ok, I won't push it...

My poor hubby is still sick.  My daughter went back to the ENT today, and he has informed us that she is going to need tubes put back in her ears. Luckily, it's not an emergency, but it is inevitable.  Poor kid.

The girls have come home and done their homework 2 days in a row- with NO arguing! I love it!  I am trying to ease in to chores, but I think they "get" that life as they knew it is changing.  I think they are ready for more responsibility.  And.. I think I need to get myself ready to put my little guy in the same category.

Today, I had a good workout, did three loads of laundry, the dishwasher is running, and I have plans for my workout tomorrow.  I actually made supper tonight, and I was really, really irritated about the recipe I followed to the T.  It left out a couple of things that would have made the paella much better.  But- live and learn.

I would love to be in bed before 11pm.  I think I'm sleeping on the couch- ugh.

Friday, January 4, 2013

In Sickness and In Health

My DH (Dear Husband) is sick!  I'm pretty sure he has the flu, and Dr. Wifey thinks he's got a nasty sinus infection like a little cherry on top of it all.  He tried to get up and go to work... there's just no way.  He looks like poo and feels worse than that!  I took the kids to town for supper and shopped for some stuff he might be willing to eat at some point (apple sauce, crackers, Sprite, PowerAde, etc.).  Poor guy.  I wish there was something more I could do...

I had a good workout this morning, but when I came home I sat at the computer and messed around for way too long.  I have been sleepy all day!  I did go back out and work in the barn enough to sweat.  I was re-energized for a while, but I was back to super- sleepy by 5 pm.

I will go reboot laundry, put the dishes away, load the dishwasher, then go to bed!

All I really want is sleep...zzzz.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The New Year Marches On.

Well, I am letting "Old Jo" slip back up on me.  I am thinking, studying, planning, and having anxiety about what my plans are for The New Year.  Guess what, Old Jo? It's HERE.  Ugh, so DO SOMETHING!

Ok, Old Jo is acknowledged and banned from reappearing.  She is seriously annoying.  New Jo is SO much more fun, motivated, energetic, and active!  I couldn't make it to the gym today (boo), but- even though I did not work out, I have been very, very busy!  Last night, I finally followed through on a (an ongoing 2-3 year) threat to my girls.  I took all the stuff from the floor of their room, the floor of the closet, and under their bed, and I threw it all in the living room!  I told them that since they refuse to clean up their messes and find a place to put the things they think they care about... Momma gets to choose what stays and what goes.  Of course, they thought I was going to toss everything, so the tears and drama ensued! It should be noted that the girls were surprised that I am not, in fact, an evil trash-it-all monster.  I did toss a few things they're eventually going to miss, but tonight I even got kisses goodnight along with an admission that their room looks "like, a million times better, Mom." Huh.  For now, they are very aware that if they neglect to put something away before moving on to the next thing, I have the option of tossing or keeping the item(s).  I hate doing that stuff to them.  That part of being a mom stinks.  Here are my before and after pictures:

I also got the Christmas tree down this evening!  Now I have to take a couple trips to our waste management facility to dump/recycle a LOT of stuff!  I have put it off way too long, and the garage is completely packed with junk.  Luckily, I am over on that side of the county when I work out.  I will be taking the first of many loads tomorrow morning.

Here are things I need to work on:
Getting in the kitchen to clean it before 7pm
Planning a menu
Making a workout schedule

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Skinny Jeans and Routines in 2013

Happy New Year!!

I have decided that the title of this post is my motto/mantra... MINE for 2013.  I need to learn it, think about it, and OWN IT every day!  This is about recommitting every day to do and be my best at working toward these (silly-sounding, I acknowledge!) important, meaningful goals.

So, the key is baby steps.  Ahh, my beloved FlyLady has taught me so much about loving myself and bravely taking baby steps.  Now, it's time to recommit every day to acting in addition to learning!  My favorite thing to do is sit, read, learn, watch... and then set it aside like another time will be right to do it!

Nope. Nuh-uh. Not happening.  NOT FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE :)  I can wake up each morning and recommit to giving it my best, but I can't just "set it aside".  Baby steps would include things like scheduling workouts and keeping my sink shiny (see FlyLady link above if shiny sinks sound unfamiliar to you!)

Happy New Year, everyone!  I am so thankful I have a few more tools in my box than last January, and I can work toward sharing them... evolving... celebrating life... becoming Superwoman!