
Thursday, January 3, 2013

The New Year Marches On.

Well, I am letting "Old Jo" slip back up on me.  I am thinking, studying, planning, and having anxiety about what my plans are for The New Year.  Guess what, Old Jo? It's HERE.  Ugh, so DO SOMETHING!

Ok, Old Jo is acknowledged and banned from reappearing.  She is seriously annoying.  New Jo is SO much more fun, motivated, energetic, and active!  I couldn't make it to the gym today (boo), but- even though I did not work out, I have been very, very busy!  Last night, I finally followed through on a (an ongoing 2-3 year) threat to my girls.  I took all the stuff from the floor of their room, the floor of the closet, and under their bed, and I threw it all in the living room!  I told them that since they refuse to clean up their messes and find a place to put the things they think they care about... Momma gets to choose what stays and what goes.  Of course, they thought I was going to toss everything, so the tears and drama ensued! It should be noted that the girls were surprised that I am not, in fact, an evil trash-it-all monster.  I did toss a few things they're eventually going to miss, but tonight I even got kisses goodnight along with an admission that their room looks "like, a million times better, Mom." Huh.  For now, they are very aware that if they neglect to put something away before moving on to the next thing, I have the option of tossing or keeping the item(s).  I hate doing that stuff to them.  That part of being a mom stinks.  Here are my before and after pictures:

I also got the Christmas tree down this evening!  Now I have to take a couple trips to our waste management facility to dump/recycle a LOT of stuff!  I have put it off way too long, and the garage is completely packed with junk.  Luckily, I am over on that side of the county when I work out.  I will be taking the first of many loads tomorrow morning.

Here are things I need to work on:
Getting in the kitchen to clean it before 7pm
Planning a menu
Making a workout schedule


  1. I am a slacker on preparing meals, it helps so much for budget as well as to make menus! Someone else can start the meal because it is written down and being prepared ahead of time eliminates eating out. No last minute decisions is so much better for me!
