Yikes! Time flies when you're sitting around for an unplanned 3-day weekend...
Well, it's a new week, and I'm starting it off by sharing the article in the newspaper today, called "What's Your Workout?" (the link goes to the article) The article is a feature in the Sunday Lifestyles section of our local paper, and a few weeks ago, they chose me! I've been wondering if they decided better of it and declined my interview, LOL. I am telling you, I usually look at that feature and am humbled and inspired by the athletes they highlight! They usually use marathon runners, professional trainers, crossfitters, or Iron Man-like competitors! I keep joking that they must have wanted an "Average Jo"... and they killed two birds with one stone in choosing me!
So, after a week of pouting around about the scale, then refusing to give in to the power of a number, feeling like I want to start really toning and *gulp* lifting weights, then flip-flopping and eating too much of all the wrong stuff because I'm thinking about that awful "c" word (change), etc etc... I am inspired to live up to the words in that fun little article. They were my words, after all.
My motto for right now: One day at a time, but plan for it a day ahead!
Here's the dilemma for tomorrow: I want to go to the gym! I need the gym! However, there are already 15ish school delays in this area due to the misty wintry mix that's coating the roads. Grr. I'm not going to let it derail me.
Here's my plan for tomorrow: I'm going to allow myself to play on Pinterest tonight and choose a WOD to do at home tomorrow from one of the many great boards I follow! I can't pull that "Ohhh, I can't work out because I was gonna go to the gym". Please. Such malarkey.
This is kind of random, but I would love to hear reader feedback, thoughts, and respectful opinions about The Daniel Plan. The link takes you to the website- the book is by Rick Warren (and consulting doctors), and the focus seems to be down-to-earth, common-sense- reasonable! I need to do more looking and learning, but I really think I could sink my teeth in to this one. It doesn't look like a "magic pill" at all. I would love it if my church (or a community organization) would start a group to do this together. I could use help in ALL of the areas this plan covers (focus, friendship, food, faith, and fitness).
If you want to do it, let me know! I have a private FB group of a few ladies who are going to do it in January! If you're interested, some of us will be starting on the 1st, BUT- I will be going to a Bible Study at my church that doesn't even start until the 16th of the month... So if you don't get the book for a couple weeks, you can still be part of the whole thing!! The group is for accountability and support- so let me know if you decide to do it :)