
Friday, May 30, 2014

I Bite off More Than I can Chew..

And I do it on a regular basis!

I have allowed "Gluten Free" to stop my progress!  I have looked at blogs, websites, I have 3 books from my local library, I have an audiobook (word of advice- nonfiction/self-help stuff is NOT entertaining to listen to when you're used to mystery/adventure pumping directly into your eardrums!), and I am overwhelmed and frozen.

This is what happens when things are too big for me to easily comprehend.

Deep breath... and.... it's ok.  Well, with God's help it will be, anyway.

Baby Steps.

I found a jewel in my devotions this morning.  It was from Rick Warren, based on The Daniel Plan.  He advised me (and yes, I feel like he was talking directly to ME) to stop doing stuff that is good so that I can do what is best.  It makes such perfect sense.  I am so worried about all this "stuff", and while I'm worried and stressing out about it, I am going out to eat 3 times a week and bringing home Big Macs to eat at 8pm for supper.  I am stress-eating, and eating far more than my body actually desires.

What is best for me right now? Well, I can tell you, eating at home at least 80% of the time would be best.  I have to stop getting bogged down in looking for "the cure" and "the answers".  They aren't in a book.  They aren't, in fact, on this earth.

So, once again, I am backing up... putting the horse back in front of the cart (instead of trying to carry the horse and the cart with a Big Mac in my hand), and I am going to continue making baby steps.  Perhaps there is a specific food item that we should eliminate and replace with another, healthier, more natural option.

That sounds like a great place to start for us!

I apologize for my lack of follow through, but honesty wins out- and this is just too much for my brain to comprehend right now.

Efforts will be made, baby steps will be taken, but a magical change on the first day of summer vacation just isn't going to happen.

Keeping it simple, sweetie! (KISS)

(I Googled this image.  The link where I found it is here)

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Where does Gluten Hide?

Goal #2: Where does Gluten Hide?

I found an article at that tackles some places it might hide.  The article lists places like:

  • Soy Sauce (Tamari is often gluten-free as an alternative)
  • Cream-based Soup
  • Ice Cream
  • "Wheat-free" food (wait, what?!) - they often have barley or rye, which still contain gluten
  • Prescription Meds
  • Gourmet Meals
Oh. My.  I need a moment- I'm overwhelmed, because I have just clicked to open about six more tabs as I delve deeper in to this.  It's SO much!  I've opened a list of cosmetic ingredients to avoid, and food label information.  

Once more, I'm reminding myself that the only way to eat an elephant is one step at a time.

I am so grateful for all those that have gone through this before me and can help me find my way!

Goal #2 will be continued...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

GLU(e) TON (because I wonder if it's gluing a TON of bloat and general yuckiness around us?!)

I am beginning to convince myself that gluten could possibly be a culprit in our "allergy issues" at our house.  I keep putting off the trips to the clinic/doctor because I don't want them on antibiotics and more antibiotics. I fear putting my kids on antibiotics for obvious reasons.

I am NOT a nutritionist, and I am not totally certain gluten plays any role in the allergy issue.  However, I am convinced there are good reasons to at least begin to eliminate stuff on a trial basis, even if it's little-by-little!

Oh, look, it's another life-application of baby steps!

My first task is to set a goal (or a few) :-)

1. Find a working definition of gluten.  I mean, what is the stuff?
2. Figure out where it hides.
3. Find the biggest culprit and weed that one thing out (a starting place)
4. Reassess/Readjust my goals according to my newfound knowledge.
5. Have a plan before or at least BY the last day of school so we can work on this all summer!

Goal #1:
Find a working definition of gluten:

It's the glue that holds stuff together.  It gives elasticity to dough.  Oh, holy cow.  It's used in makeup, lotion, hair products, and other skin stuff.  Yikes.  It provides protein in foods that don't otherwise have it (think: imitation crab meat).  1 in 133 have a gluten intolerance. That number was obtained from a 2010 article.  (wiki was my source for this paragraph of info)  I wonder if that ratio has increased in the past 4 years?  My guess is yes...?

For today, I feel validated in continuing to investigate gluten and the benefit we might get from decreasing the amount we're consuming.

P.S. No excuses for the long break in blogging, I'm just picking it up and moving right along!  Let's learn something together, shall we?? :)

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Last Vapors of February..

As February draws to a close, I'm reflecting on highs and lows this month.  I am finishing up "week 5" of my C210K program tomorrow.  This is a 14 week program, and I'm still feeling pretty committed!  I've done a few "strength" workouts, knowing I need to build up my core and general endurance.

I started with the highs... but I still find myself struggling with food!  I have defeated myself by making a couple of extremely healthy things that I really didn't care for.  I have got to figure out how to cook this stuff so it tastes good!  I love the veggies sauteed with the "natural" version of soy sauce... what's it called...??  Liquid Aminos (I had to go look).

However, I tried to make "coconut rice", and it tasted like dirt.  I tried "tempeh"- I don't even know if I spelled that right.  It tasted icky, and it was really expensive!  I messed up my first attempt at making hummus.  Ugh, this trial and error of finding things I find palatable could end up costing a small fortune!

I really feel like- rather than getting myself overwhelmed with the all-or-nothing trap (I LOVE to use that one as an excuse!!), I need to keep baby stepping.  I got the feeling (again) that if I wasn't doing it according to the Daniel Plan recipes, I was failing anyway- and I have been going hog wild- letting the good veggies go bad in the fridge while I pigged out on popcorn, frozen pizzas, and "protein bars" (really just glorified candy bars- not the healthy ones).

So, here's to the beginning of March- which will begin with my first 5k on the first day of the month!! And here's to looking forward to "better".

Refocus, relax, have fun....

FOCUS (continually) IN FOURTEEN  

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Week 2, Day 2.. plugging along and struggling too!

Hey, I remember this place! It's where I posted my countdown to the HALF MARATHON!! 

Holy crow. Am I doing this??

You bet!! Weehaa! Hold on kids, It's gonna be a bumpy ride :)

I have been faithful with my c210k workouts and done 5 so far! I love this program, because I am not struggling/suffering, but it is making me sweat, and I feel like I am working at a totally manageable pace while improving.

I am still working through The Daniel Plan, and we have actually gotten to slow it down a little more due to the severe weather we've had, which put meetings off. I'm great with that, because this "40 day program" is only the very tip of the iceburg- I want it to help me figure out how to grow and expand by God's Grace for the rest of my life! I'll leave you with a couple of links. One is for The Daniel Plan, and the other is for the "Couch to 10K" app I'm using for my slow, steady training process.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Baby Steppin' and Not Regrettin'

Here I am, celebrating baby steps again!  I would probably get around a lot faster if I'd just grow up and take... Oh, I don't know... even TODDLER steps, for Pete's sake!!

I think I'm finally starting to get more in-depth- I mean something like a deeper than gut-level understanding- with this "baby steps" stuff!  We cannot be changed beings overnight!  We can, however, celebrate that we are working and renewing our commitment every single day (or, in my case, HOUR or MINUTE).

I am working on spending some time meditating and fueling my spirit by getting up earlier than the rest of the family.  I make breakfast, drink my water & coffee, and I read a little devotional.  Then I spend just a minute or two saying thanks and asking God to be with the people who have been on my heart.  This takes about 5 minutes.  Then I can check Facebook, email, read, or whatever else suits my fancy.  This does a few things- and don't be turned off if you are not a "reading devotions and praying" person.  Even if you don't subscribe to the Christian way of thinking, there are obviously a plethora of ways to find a routine of lifting your spirits before you start your day!  You know what they are- I'm not going to bore you with lists!  (Think: Gratefulness, breathing..)

I think if my heart is in the right place, my spirit/attitude is going to help me (in my case, I believe God will help me!) make more wise decisions and become less inclined to automatically choose the crappy ones.  It requires changing my whole mindset.  This is SO much harder than I ever thought.  This is SO much more than typing words and rephrasing and quoting the experts!  It takes work. and commitment. and lots of praying (or mindfulness).  Bad habits die hard!

I know what is right, and I know what the right choices are (most of the time).. yet I keep chosing to stay right where I am, making the same decisions- over and overandoverandover

So, if you beat yourself up for all the dumb choices you continue to make every single day- you know, the doughnuts instead of the oatmeal... or the oatmeal and THEN the doughnuts anyway... find a Bible and read Romans 7. It turns out, I am NOT alone when I shake my head at myself and want to cry out or give up!  Then, if you want to feel grace- I mean feel grace- follow Romans 7 with Romans 8.

I'm going to close with the Google definition of grace:

(in Christian belief) the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings.

NO one has earned it, but we all have it!! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year! Focus in Fourteen.

Focus in fourteen.  I'm still getting used to the motto and the huge meaning behind it!

I have my sights set high, but I'm NOT going to rush through the journey! I'm going to enjoy the baby steps and soak in every minute of learning, growth, and adjusting my path to my goals!  Progress, not perfection.

I talked about this, and today I have "officially" begun The Daniel Plan.  I have an awesome group of ladies who are sharing the journey, and I hope this 40-day study helps change my focus and purpose for wanting to find health- mental, physical, and spiritual!

What do you consider a successful day?

My day is successful because my focus was here:

1. Healthy Breakfast
2. Water (> 64 oz)
3. Vitamins
4. Exercise (I ran a mile- after four weeks of no exercise. whew.)
5. Only water after 7pm (I dumped my coffee out! woohoo! Now that's commitment)
6. Clear the sink before bed
7. Make a plan for tomorrow

It was a good day!  Was it perfect? Nope.  But did I accomplish better things today than yesterday? You betcha.

I'm off to make my plan for tomorrow and get to bed at a decent hour!

I wish you success and progress as you Focus in Fourteen.