
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Less than 48 Hours

In 48 hours (from when I'm starting this post), we will be preparing to run our first "official" 5k together!  My daughter (who is 8) and I will be running together with Girls On The Run (GOTR) to close out the fall 2013 session.  We are so excited!

I am hoping I can get my sweet hubby to take lots of pictures to commemorate the occasion, but I know I'll carry this memory in my heart forever, even if there aren't bunches of photos!  I am so blessed that, even though I know she can run faster than me, she wants ME to be her Running Buddy.  She chose me.  Could my heart swell any more?

She is already talking about wanting to run a half marathon in a couple (I say a few) years, and once she even said she might just want to do a full marathon when she's older!  I am so incredibly proud of her- she is amazing!  She really seems to love running, and for that, I am eternally grateful.  She is encouraging to those around her, taking time to lift others up (including her old ma!) and push them to be their best.

Ok, I'm getting carried away, I know...

I have a "21" update:  I have completed 11 days in a row!  WOOHOO!  Yesterday was literally step-ups and squats for 12 minutes, but it was something, and that's the goal!!

My world is just sailing right out of my comfort zone right now!  There are some exciting things on the horizon, but I don't know if they'll come to fruition, so I'm going to lay low with them and just continue to be excited about whatever direction life leads me/us.

Housework remains a daunting task, and I'd rather do just about anything than that :)  I'll improve... slowly but surely, somehow.. I'm going to find a way to baby-step my way to "normalcy" in housekeeping!

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